Why do we always seem to have time for “I” but not for “us”? Time for self-centered binging and not for moments of giving to others. For some, it is fear or a recent loss that drives them to hold tightly to what is theirs. The problem is, we are designed to live differently, to be givers and not just takers.

If we are willing to prioritize the needs of others, to reach for our best things to give, and to carve out time to serve, we will discover the transformational rewards that come only from practicing heroic love. The rewards are great, but the motivation to do nothing can be greater... push through! Be STRONG.

This week, along with your 20-minute fitness goals, open up a can of loving others. You will be transformed--- this is how STRONG works.


#GivingTuesday is Tuesday, December 1st

  1. Buy lunch for someone (Uber Eats)

  2. Rake a neighbor’s lawn (do a good job)

  3. Send and a gift certificate to someone who lost their job (Amazon)

  4. Donate through the YMCA’s Giving Tree

  5. Deliver meals (Neighborhood House - Meals on Wheels)

  6. Volunteer (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA)

  7. Mentor a youth (Big Brothers/Big Sisters)

  8. Fill a box of some good stuff and donate it (Goodwill)

  9. Buy school supplies for youth (bring it to you local school)

  10. Pray for someone in need (and tell them)

  11. Help someone find a job (use your network)

  12. Pay for someone’s coffee (Starbucks)

  13. Write an inspiring article and share it (LinkedIn)

  14. Stop complaining, get involved (don’t just ‘share’ about it on social media - go do something about it)

  15. Sponsor someone (a YMCA scholarship)

  16. Donate Blood (Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center)

  17. Do extra stuff around the house (stop being lazy)

  18. Encourage five people on the Strong Challenge (Facebook group)

  19. Fill a box with food and take it to your local food pantry (do this with your family)

  20.  Build a house!  (Habitat For Humanity)

  21. Call a senior, check-in, and ask if they help.

  22. Clean a park (bring your garbage bags)

  23. Donate to the SPCA or adopt a dog (or cat)

  24. Do a virtual 5k for a good cause

  25. Make a wish come true (Make-A-Wish Foundation

  26. Be a cheerleader for your spouse/partner

  27. Ask a friend if there is anything they need help with - now follow through and help them

28. Donate cash (be generous—give big)

29. Donate that extra toilet paper you’re hoarding

30. Volunteer with the Illinois Department of
Natural Resources

31.  Say nice things on your zoom meetings
this week

32.  Take your children with you to cook or serve meals at
a homeless shelter

33. Donate books or art supplies to a homeless shelter

34. Shop for a toy to give away, and then have your child
give it to a child in need

35. Get matched with a volunteer opportunity through
the United Way

36. Donate newspapers, dog beds, or other pet supplies
to a local animal shelter

37. Offer to walk an elderly neighbor’s dog

38. Volunteer to shelve books at a local library

39. Bring a meal to a local firehouse

40. Make cards or gifts for children in the hospital.

41. Take your family carolling (make sure to socially
distance from others)

42. Join Be The Match and potentially save a life

43. Hold or get the door for someone else

44. Do a chore without being asked (or nagged)

45. Babysit your grandchildren

46. Clean your parent’s house

47. Help a friend wrap Christmas gifts

48. Buy someone a book - one you know they would

49. Share you appreciation aloud - express gratitude
often so others can hear it, maybe it’ll spread

50. Avoid & guard against gossip


Keep the spirit of THANKSGIVING going and and share
something nice that someone else did for you this week. It is STRONG
to let others know that they made a difference for YOU!

Remember to tag @PeoriaYMCA in your Facebook & Instagram
posts when you are spreading your gratitude!

#STRONGPeoria #PeoriaYMCA


