Frequently Asked Questions


What is the RESET Challenge?

Simply put…the RESET Challenge is a six week transformational program where we are encouraging the Greater Peoria community to take on 2021 by RESETTING their lives and getting active for 30 minutes a day for 5 days each week.
If 2020 had you feeling stuck or “in a funk” the RESET Challenge is for you!
Each week we will introduce a new theme as we work towards being more healthy - spirit, mind, and body.

30 Minutes A Day? 5 Days a week?

That’s it.  Let’s get into some good habits. Together.

Do I have to be a YMCA member to participate?

The STRONG Challenge is open to all.  We are even offering six free visits to the YMCA and a 6-week trial VIRTUAL Y for those who aren’t yet members.  
Click here to get your trial membership started.
Already a Y Member?  Make sure you are registered.

Is this a nation-wide thing?

It sure is!  There are over 150 YMCAs across the country that are taking part in the RESET Challenge.  Each one adding its own local flavor to the challenge.  We encourage you to visit or connect with the STRONG LIFE National Facebook Community for more ways to be active in 2021!

I heard there were giveaways?

You’re right!  RESET Challengers who check in at the Y members who check in a minimum of twice each week will be eligible to receive a giveaway to celebrate their successes.  There will also be some GREAT drawings each week that you can enter to win just by sharing your RESET experience with our Facebook Community.

Is the Y safe?

We think so and a lot of our members agree.  Over 97% to be exact. 
Everyone who visits our Wellness Center is given a fresh towel and their own sanitizing spray to disinfect each piece of equipment both before and after use.  To limit transmission of bacteria and viruses, we also sanitize all equipment and common surfaces throughout the day using an electro-static sprayer.
Hand sanitization stations are available throughout the facility & masks must be worn to enter the building and during your entire visit.  All visitors and members have their temperature taken upon check-in.

I’m not ready to go into a gym or workout facility just yet.

That’s ok - we understand that not everyone is comfortable with venturing out in group settings.  Each week we will provide you with group exercise classes through our Virtual Y platform, along with suggestions of activities you can do at home or outside without having to come to the gym.

What was the STRONG Challenge?

The STRONG Challenge began in 2020 and was a 6-week challenge, much the same as RESET.  The 2020 STRONG Challenge is still available for you to challenge yourself.  Learn more about it here.

Don’t see your question answered here?

You may be able to find what you're looking for by visiting our website, calling the YMCA Member Experience desk @ 309-692-7631, OR by sending us an email.