REINVEST in your Family. REINVEST in your Community.
Your time
Your talent
Your treasure
Three pillars that hold the foundation to your character- your being.
We’ve all made choices about how to use our time, how to use our talents, and where to spend our treasure.
It’s time to REINVEST, though; to pause and take stock in where your time, talent, and treasure lie, and to reconsider how reinvesting could change your future, and your community’s future.
Keep up with your fitness activities - 30 minutes/day for five days this week - but now
we also want you to be mindful of ways that you can make the world around you a better place.
A healthier family & community starts with a healthier YOU!
Its time to become the BEST you possible - to do that you’ll need to have the proper tools & the right mindset.
Join us March 6th for a free virtual event hosted by YMCA CEO, Andy Thornton. He will be joined by OSF Healthcare professionals, local fitness leaders, along with mindfulness mentors who have come together to help you REINVEST in your TOTAL HEALTH!
REGISTRATION IS OPEN - the first 150 people to sign up will get a “SUCCESS BAG” filled with goodies to keep you on track toward your spiritual, mental, and physical health!
More ways to make a difference
@ the Y
Ask the front desk for YMCA volunteer opportunities
Take a Group Exercise Class, visit the Wellness Center for 30 minutes, or jog around the indoor track
Online or @ Home
Volunteer for an organization and share your unique skills - or check out these 50 ways you can SERVE
Try an On-Demand or Live Fitness class with our local instructors - free for Y Members & RESET Challengers
Consider reinvesting in the YMCA
REINVEST in your TOTAL HEALTH - March 6th
For your SPIRIT & MIND
Week 5: Reset Goals Meditation w/ coach Stacey
StrongSpirit work or mindfulness on